Helping Clients With Their Energy and Environmental Needs


USGS Pavillion, WY Reports Released

By Greg Russell

We've reported previously on U.S. EPA's efforts to connect groundwater contamination to E&P operations (see here, e.g.).  U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has released two reports on related groundwater sampling.  From the USGS press release:  "The U.S. Geological Survey is making available two reports related to groundwater-quality, quality-control, and well yield data for two monitoring wells near Pavillion, Wyo. The first USGS report describes the sampling and analysis plan that was developed to collect groundwater data. A second report provides the raw data and information from the groundwater-quality samples."

You can also get copies of the reports at the link.

Tags: Pavillion, WY, Energy, Environment

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